
What Is Leadership? | Season 3 Episode 1

Why do we follow our leaders? You would probably answer because they have authority over you. However, Tim believes there is a leader in each of us. Rather than a position or a title, leadership is about having a mindset of stewardship.

In this episode, Tim shares his definition of leadership and what it is not. He talks about how leadership is more of a lifestyle rather than a title or something to be achieved. At some point in our lives, we will all be leaders. This episode is to prepare you to be an everyday leader.

3 Reasons to Listen:

  1. Understand what makes an everyday leader. 
  2. Learn the difference between steward leaders and servant leaders. 
  3. Discover how you can live with a mindset of stewardship.


Episode Highlights

[03:37] What Is “The Everyday Leader?”

  • Leadership is every day—it is who and what we are.
  • Everyone is capable of becoming a leader.
  • You have to believe that you are an everyday leader.
  • Listen to the full episode as Tim shares the topics he will be discussing in Seek Go Create’s The Everyday Leader series.
  • There are different ways to assess ourselves as leaders. 

[12:03] Tim’s Experience with Leadership 

  • Tim is a student of leadership through various experiences in life. 
  • He has different roles in life wherein he is able to practice his leadership skills. 

[13:24] What Leadership Is Not 

  • Leadership is not a position or title.
  • You do not have to achieve something to be a leader.
  • Leadership is not being a bully or manipulating others.
  • It is not a quick skill—it's something that is developed over time. 
  • Leadership is not based on luck or being in the right place at the right time. It is about your character—who you are.
“My definition of leadership is being a steward over those people, places, and or things that God has gifted you with.” - Click Here To Tweet This

[18:00] Are Leaders Born Or Made?   

  • There is no clear cut answer, but Tim believes that leadership is a combination of both beliefs.
  • There are a lot of things that come into play when looking at leadership and influence. 
  • Leadership takes time; it is a process. 
“A steward is not an owner, but he or she is responsible for taking care of something or someone for the ultimate owner.” - Click Here To Tweet This

[19:45] Defining Leadership

  • The common notion of a leader in society is someone who has influence. 
  • The modern-day definition of “influencer” is not positive. Tim shares how he read about a university that offers a 3-year degree to be an influencer.
  • For Tim, leadership is stewardship over people, places, and things that God has gifted you with.

[23:05] Definition of Stewardship 

  • A steward is not an owner but someone who has the responsibility of taking care of something for the ultimate owner.
  • Tim and Glori became stewards when they used to house-sit for others.
  • Stewardship is a foundational principle of leadership. 
  • We are all stewards of God's gifts. 
  • Your perspective about stewardship will help you succeed. 

[28:07] Business and Ministry

  • Business is a person or a group of people working together to produce something others will be willing to pay for. 
  • Ministry is a group of people working together to deliver a message that others desire, a belief system.
  • Some people might disagree, but Tim believes combining Ministry and leadership is possible.
  • Some businesses are not good stewards of the people who work for them. Businesses could use more heart in treating their employees. 
  • Ministries, on the other hand, may have great missions but don’t handle the business and marketing aspect well.

[32:10] Process of Leadership  

  • We should desire to be a lifetime leader. 
  • Your mindset and attitude should be exercised 24/7. 
  • A hypocrite is someone whose words don’t align with their actions.
  • Be an everyday leader. The goal is to attract leadership and influence characteristics, skills, and traits, instead of chasing after a role or position.
  • Effective leadership is when at least one person in a group has experienced skills preparedness and the attitude to make the sum total of that group more than the individual parts.
“I think the goal is to attract leadership and influence characteristics, skills, and traits, not to chase after some leadership role or position. It should be a lifestyle, not a title.” - Click Here To Tweet This

[35:06] Stewardship vs. Ownership

  • People get arrogant when they think they are the owner and the ultimate authority.
  • A person may have a title that is beyond their humility.
  • The pressure to lead may give you a difficult time.
  • Work with a mindset that you hold a gift that is not yours.
  • Should leaders have followers? There will come a time for you to be pushed into being a leader, and you should be prepared for it.

[39:00] Servant Leaders

“You are not going to be a leader tomorrow. You're a leader today.” - Click Here To Tweet This
  • A servant leader is servant-minded. 
  • Servant leaders tend to be more subservient to someone above them. 
“Humility exists when you know that you're not the owner, but you must steward an asset, person, place, or thing… until the true owner needs the use of the asset again.” - Click Here To Tweet This

[42:35] Leadership and Responsibility Are Gifts

  • Gifts should be taken care of.
  • Treating your responsibilities and leadership as gifts is a better mindset than ownership.
  • A gift is something that we do not deserve; therefore, it should be accepted with humility. 
  • Position yourself to be a steward leader.
  • A steward leader will help you become a great everyday leader.
“A gift is not deserved. Therefore, we should humbly accept it and know that we are now the recipient of something that we have been gifted with… It allows you to position yourself to be the steward leader.” - Click Here To Tweet This

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About the Podcast

Show artwork for Seek Go Create - The Leadership Journey for Christian Entrepreneurs, Faith-Based Leaders, Purpose-Driven Success, Kingdom Business, Entrepreneurial Mindset, Leadership Development
Seek Go Create - The Leadership Journey for Christian Entrepreneurs, Faith-Based Leaders, Purpose-Driven Success, Kingdom Business, Entrepreneurial Mindset, Leadership Development

About your host

Profile picture for Tim Winders

Tim Winders

Tim Winders is a faith driven executive coach and author with over 40 years of experience in leadership, business, and ministry. Through his personal journey of redefining success, he has gained valuable insights on how to align beliefs with work and lead with purpose. He is committed to helping others do the same, running a coaching business that helps leaders, leadership teams, business owners, and entrepreneurs to align their beliefs with their work and redefine success.

In addition to his coaching business, Tim is also the host of the SeekGoCreate podcast and author of the book Coach: A Story of Success Redefined, which provides guidance for those looking to redefine success and align their beliefs with their work. With his extensive background, unique perspective and strengths in strategic thinking, relationship building, and problem-solving, Tim is well-suited to help clients navigate through difficult times and achieve their goals.